
O. Sportelli

Anna was an excellent editorial collaborator for

Professional, efficient and friendly.

Capable of establishing personal contacts with important and recognized photographers but also to discover and present new talents.

O. Sportelli is the Founder and Editor in chief of “Private Photo Review”


Carlo Corradi

Anna is very careful and prepared both with respect to the technical aspects and above all about the history of photography.

My collaboration with Anna starts with the edition of one of my photo books and a photographic exhibition. Both of them have highlighted her professional skills in the field of editorial photography. 

Thanks to her analytical ability and the deepening of your personal way of looking, Anna will help you to organise, and, above all, to improve your photographic journey. 

Anna will focus your attention on the essential photographic aspects and she helps you to show your photographs in the most original and effective way and also the way in which you could evolve and grow in your career as a photographer.